IJ. said:
...(electric ears are amazing you'll be shocked at the racket our motors make)
I have heard that...I'm ashamed to say that I've never used them. But I'm going to now.
I come from the "old school" (which was just called "school" when I was a kid:icon_razz ) and I don't think they even existed when I was coming up.
I am trying to keep it as simple as possible because I am a one-man show, I'm finding out over the course of the last 3 years or so, that if I want to run quickly (relatively) and consistantly, I gotta go high tech. Tough for an old v8dog to learn new tricks.
But I'm learning in spite of myself.
My local strip is holding a lot more 1/8 mile races this year and it's:
1. Adapt,
2. get used to losing
3 don't play.
That's why the NOs. I need some more go to move this beast off the line to be competitive in such a short contest. Also, I'm going dual stage, so I'm really treading in unfamiliar waters.