just drank a redbull first thing in the morning and now im bouncing off the walls and i can bearly type this damn i have to drive down to portland today....
supra90turbo said:lol @ drinking it wrong
I don't know, meggs, I'm the same way.
While it doesn't raise my energy level up too high, it keeps me at that level longer.
All I know is, yesterday I had two Amp Tall Boys and figured I'd go to sleep at 3am... wasn't tired, just figured it was a good idea. lol
yeh, as much as 6 at a time.... no resultsLoki said:I've tried drinking energy drinks and nothing ever happens.
$2.99 heretheKnifeArtist said:$2.40 is too much for me. that's how much it is here. although it used to be my drink of choice.
now i'm on the propel.