911, What is your problem?


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
I work as a E911 operator / dispatcher, at my particular job I ahndle all 4 county 911 lines, 4 public lines for the sheriff's office, 10 frequencies for Highway patrol, Sheriffs Dept, ambulance (as well as pager), 3 Fire departments and 2 first responder groups and city mutual aid with Perryville the county seat, all by myself for 8 to 12 hours. I've not been there that long but in my short time I can tell you that a lot of people do not understand how to deal with emergencies, even basic ones, and some have no idea what 911 is there for.

These are simply helpful tips, from a E911 / Dispatcher's Point of view:

1. Know your location! this is the key to a good outcome in any emergency, your location is everything, if you don't know it, don't clearly inform the operator of it or just plain refuse to give the proper address or info requested, help may not arrive in time. Here's the keys in most places Numerics, street name, apartment number if applicable. (Many believe 911 has all locations all on thier screens, some areas do not have all the addresses programmed or the system could be down, it happens)

2. Call from a landline, if possible, and from where the emergency is orginating. A lot of counties especially do NOT have the cellular address and name systems, so if you call from the landline where the emergency is, the odds of the address info being given properly increase quite a bit, this helps if the caller is hysterical too.

3. STAY CALM!!!! I realize anybody can freak if theres gore, or a loved one is hurt, or thye are afraid but the calmer you are, and the more info you can give the better. If you can, stay calm and concise and give any info the operator asks for as accuratley as possible.

4. 911 is for Emergencies, some examples of non-emergencies would be hitting a deer, being locked out of your vehicle/home, a business refusing a refund or other transaction, etc. For things other than emergencies call the local authorities non-emergency line. Misuse of 911 can range from a misdeamenor to a felony in many states and counties. If you do not know the number to the local police station or firehouse call 411 or the operator, DO NOT CALL 911

5. Give as much information as possible. Remember the 911 operator is not there, any information you can give can help out a lot. If it's a criminal situation thingsl ike descriptions, numbers of suspects, weapons used if any etc are very helpful and could save the lives of the officers responding. If someone is injured be sure to advise them whether or not the patient is concious, breathing, bleeding, and how they were injured if you know.

Now that I've ranted a bit, I'll share some vids I have found of the stupid things people call 911 for and what they say, be safe and if you really are in need of help call 911, but don't misuse it, it's not funny its life threatening if you're occupying the operators time and a real call comes in, seconds can mean the difference between life or death.

Will S.
Supra owner / E911 / Dispatcher




last but not least, a 911 operator who has had enough of the bullshit calls, not saying hes right for what he did or to whom he did it but this is common an adult should be able to handle a domestic issue with a child without resorting to calling 911, if the child is not violent or threteaning then theres no excuse to call



1991 1JZ
Mar 30, 2005
new rochelle
i was rear ended a few years back and called the local police department and the guy actually told me to call 911. i asked him a few times are you sure? its not exactly an emergency and i dont feel comfortable calling 911 for a fender bender. but the officer insisted that i called 911.


Active Member
Mar 30, 2005
Living proof that we have circumvented natural selection to the point that our species may no longer be viable.

Take the padding off everything, drop the crash safety standards, drop the helmet laws and fix the gene pool before it's too late.


I think it was the google
Mar 30, 2005
The Farm
Supracentral said:
Living proof that we have circumvented natural selection to the point that our species may no longer be viable.

Take the padding off everything, drop the crash safety standards, drop the helmet laws and fix the gene pool before it's too late.

China is going to do that for us soon; that or Russia.


SM Expert on White trash
Sep 26, 2006
Weatherford, Texas, United States
Yall think that's funny? You should be a paramedic and go on some those calls.
I used to work for Medstar EMS in Fort Worth. We get a Priority 3 call (no lights/sirens) to the projects. A young mother with an infant and 2 year old toddler is there worried about something that fell off her infant girl. She shows this little clump to me and says, "I been rubbin alcohol on it like the Dr says but it just falled off. It stinks real bad too. Is it gonna hurt my baby?" I told her it was the umbilical stump and it was supposed to fall off. I then asked her if she remembered it falling off her 2 year old and she replied, "oh no baby I was in prison then."

I could go on and on and on. The gene pool needs more chlorine.


( . )( . )'s RULE!!!!
May 12, 2006
Jackson, MO
It's sad, we get the occasional fender bender on 911. I couldn't believe some of these calls either until I took the job, I'm using it to gain expierience and pay for my police academy expenses so I can start my real career, it just amazes me what ya get, and people are so quick to hang up with ya which is understandable in some cases but others its like look stay on the phone.

The other night I had a guy telling me there was lots of smoke coming into his house, I told him to get out and anyone else inside needed to get out, he's like well odn't I need to stay on the phone? I told him No sir Fire and EMS is on thier way we have your address and location get outside and wait for them. It was just kinda funny, he didnt have a fire after all just a lot of smoke from the heater system due to some bad wiring, but 5 more minutes and it may hve become a full fledged fire.

Anyways glad I could educate some and entertain some others.


I play with fire
Jul 22, 2006
Fort Worth, TX
only called 911 a few times

my fiance is bad luck, the couple times have been when there was one of those large water filled barrels rolling around the freeway causing people to drive off the road, was really bad almost hit it myself

couple different crashes we witnessed on back roads (new caddy spins out on a slick road and was going straight, dunno WTF happened but they where all dazed and confused with a broken car blocking half the road), other time women lost control went off the road and took out a gas main.

last time she had the 911 operator hang up on her when some guy was trying to commit suicide and nearly rammed her and several other cars before turning into oncoming traffic, grazing someone, and then crashing into a hillside.