I watched the whole thing and here is the conclusion I came to...its all true, but it doesnt prove anything. My impression the whole way through is that it doesnt point to any kind of coverup, rather it points to what Ive known about the Bush administration all along, its complete incompetence!
I watch GW talk at press conferences and he reminds me a little boy. You know the kind of kid who who used to act like he knew it all, but was totally clueless? And when faced with or confronted by their own bullshit, they squirm like a kitten in a burlap bag.
The only part of that film that I found interesting and possible evidence of anything beyond incompetence, was the Afgan airlift to Pakistan. I know why it was done, but if Al-Quida was in those planes, then it is just sickening.
All in all I think it was a well done film and brought up some great points. I personally dont think the filmakers were actually trying to "prove" there was a conspiracy to coverup corruption. I think they were really just putting out the facts as they saw them, and hoping people would make up their own minds. I already made up my mind...there was no conspiracy and the white house didnt know about the 9/11 plans ahead of time...BUT, they should have, and it certainly proves their lack of leadership at the least and their total incompetence at the most.