89T vs Mustang GT


New Member
Mar 31, 2005
West Chester PA
I'm riding with my brother coming home from having dinner with our parents. We pull up to a red light and my brother glances in the rearview mirror and goes "I think that's a new Mustang coming up behind us. Turns out to be a GT. So we are sitting side by side at the light and my brother just starts out driving slow and the guy kinda keeps glancing over at us to see if we are going to race. :icon_smil Why not!
My brother suddenly guns in second and the guy in the Mustang follows suit. The mustang was about 1/2 a car length in front of us. We shift to third and the mustang still has about 1/2 a car length on us. We start winding down a slight hill and my brother shifts at 5k into fourth. At this point we started to gain slightly on the Stang and were at 5k in fourth but had to slam on the brakes since there was a car in front of us. If it weren't for that we would have taken him. My brother's car is turbo and has intake and full exhaust with no cats.

I know Mustang GT's are easy and not really that worthy of an opponent but it was fun none the less.:biglaugh: