7MGE vs. 7MGTE Tranny



Hey... I'm a new member of supramania and I was hoping to tap some veteran's knowledge.

Will the 7MGE 5 speed transmission bolt up to a 7MGTE and if so, will it be able to handle it. If not, how hard is it to find a good 7MGTE transmission.

I have a 2004 WRX right now, but am looking for an MKIII Supra as a project.
Thanks for your help.



The Family Man
Mar 30, 2005
Orange County, CA
The W58 (GE) tranny does bolt up to the 7MGTE. (I've got a 7MGTE in my NA with a W58.) There is a couple of chasis mods that you probably have to do. The GE and GTE block is identical. There's been a lot of discussion on how much power the W58 will handle. But I believe most people say about 400-450 hp. But a major factor is how you're going to drive and if you're hard on trannys.
If you search the site, you'll probably find a link to how to make a R154 (GTE Tranny) fit on a chasis. Then you have to reverse engineer it.


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
fairfax VA
the transmission on the GTE is the R154

the transmission on the GE is the W58.

the R154 has been known to handle 800hp. i dont see any reason why you would us a W58 on a GTE, not as strong, the aftermarket clutches available for the W58 can not handle as much torque. like a stage two clutch for the R154 can hold 450ft/lbs, where as the stage two for the W58 can only handle like 350ish. do some searching, there are other threads that compare them. and welcome to supramania.


The reason I would use a W58 tranny on a GTE is because I'm (possibly) buying an N/A MKIII... comes with the W58... why not buy the GTE motor which usually does not come with a tranny and bolt her up to the W58.

The other reason I'm not too concerned with it's lack of power holding capability is that I don't plan on making more than 300hp. This is a small project... just transportation that I'm going to enjoy... I can only have the car for another 6 months (If i buy one soon) then i'll not be allowed to have one. (School restrictions)

So I take from your comments that the W58 WILL bolt up to the GTE with no problems?
Thanks for the info and your help.
Anything else I should know about the GTE swap?
