7M hit 18psi with stock AFM and still very rich...


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
ok, i have a ct 60-1 turbo, 3in elbow and down pipe. running open down pipe. 255 walbro, bypass J tube. wide band, SAFC II, still stock AFM. and i dont know what the injectors are. i assume there 440s. BUT my car has always ran very very rich...i was hitting fuel cut at like 15-16psi..wideband showed a flat 10 at WOT... after i put in the SAFC II i did a base tune and still running rich but not as rich.. i think at WOT now its like 10.5 and all of a sudden the car was boosting 18psi, no fuel cut in sight. still rich in the 10s. how is my car boosting this high with the stock AFM and still running so rich?


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
oh also.. the screw in the afm is completly out. i did that to help the car run leaner but its still very rich. any other ideas? i dont know the history of the motor that well, but i cant imagen it having 550s in it. the car only had 70k miles on it when i got it. and im the 3rd owner. it bone stock when i bought it. the head gasket was changed once like a year before i bought the car. other than that, thats all i know about it.


New Member
Apr 5, 2008
San Diego/Fairfield
ok so you dont know what injectors you are running? so for all you know you could be running 1000cc? If you are still running rich at those boost numbers and we are assuming you are running 440 or 550 then you need to start looking at if your afr readings are indeed accurate. Because I highly doubt that just with a 255 and even 550's at 18psi with a 60-1 you will be running rich. I personally will be suprised if thats the case. Usually the problem is not enough fuel with dealing with a supra not too much.

Very interesting case though any other mods?

Also your afm may not be working properly. Did you check that to make sure it was operating like its suppose to? You should remove the connector and use a ohmometer and check the resistance on each terminal.


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
well, other mods are 6 puck clutch, which has nothing to do with it.. 2.5 hard pipes, still stock intercooler. so i know its pointless to even be able to run 18psi at this point cause its just hot air.. is it possible that a boost leak might be causeing it to be so rich? although i wouldnt think i'd be able to hit 18psi with a boost leak. i shouldnt be hitting 18psi period should i?


New Member
Apr 5, 2008
San Diego/Fairfield
suprafanatic;1016244 said:
well, other mods are 6 puck clutch, which has nothing to do with it.. 2.5 hard pipes, still stock intercooler. so i know its pointless to even be able to run 18psi at this point cause its just hot air.. is it possible that a boost leak might be causeing it to be so rich? although i wouldnt think i'd be able to hit 18psi with a boost leak. i shouldnt be hitting 18psi period should i?

Well do you have a mbc or ebc? Also you can be running 18psi but whethor its efficient or not is the question. Also a boost leak would cause bigger problems than this and if it was major enough your car could die.

Also I would question whethor your boost readings are accurate?

Any codes? And a wbo2 is your best friend.

Btw, how do you tune without using a wb02? Very dangerous imho


New Member
Apr 5, 2008
San Diego/Fairfield
Quin;1016283 said:
He has a WB02, MBC

Do you know each other or somehting? And why didnt he tell me that when I asked him about mods? Btw, my bad I re-read your op and you did say you had a wb02 sorry. Anyways I would check to verify if those are correctly installed and working. Because from what your telling me those numbers do not make any sense. Running that rich with just a 255 and 440 or 550 on 18psi from a 60-1.


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
ya we know each other...and sorry its a MBC...well my wideband is hooked up exactly how its suppose to be, theres really no other way it can be hooked up, i dont think anyway. its just the one plug.


New Member
Apr 5, 2008
San Diego/Fairfield
suprafanatic;1016297 said:
ya we know each other...and sorry its a MBC...well my wideband is hooked up exactly how its suppose to be, theres really no other way it can be hooked up, i dont think anyway. its just the one plug.

Ok well I will trust you with that usually the wiring pwnes people soemtimes. But usually you wont read rich when that happens. Ok moving on. I am going to assume you are reading the boost levels off the stock boost gauge? And if you are running rich then that means you are either not getting enough air or you are getting waaay too much fuel in the combustion chambers. Its one or the other.


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
Aftermarket boost gauge. Yeah, that's what confused us. That and how the hell he hit 18PSI on a stock 7M AFM


Trans killer
Dec 5, 2006
Columbus, IN
They came on the car when he got it, considering the original owners were old people and the second owner bought it just to flip it we expected it to have 440s


New Member
Apr 5, 2008
San Diego/Fairfield
Quin;1016320 said:
They came on the car when he got it, considering the original owners were old people and the second owner bought it just to flip it we expected it to have 440s

Yeah prolly 440's I would say check and recheck your wbo2 and guage. Check grounds and check your mbc to make sure there arent any leaks or installation problems. And again check your afm!


New Member
May 25, 2007
Greenwood, IN
ya, i never did anything with the injectors. i dont know whats in the motor right now, im assuming 440s cause the car was stock when i bought it, i dont see why the injectors would be larger. unless of course it was put back to stock, except the injectors. also i do have an aftermarket boost gauge, sorry about that. couldnt read 18psi on the stocker tho :p..lol