I am thinking about a 7mgte swap into my na supra. Can I use a 89 turbo ecu and harness in my 87 car? Or does the harness have to be the same year as the body?
bro....SEARCH. there is a stickey at the top that will answer all of your problems. but since you want it spoonfed, use the same harness and ecu as your car. it makes things ALOT easier. Jesus Christ, you are 21, act like you are, not some 16 year old that drives an integra.
if the harness and ecu are from the same year, like the OP, then they will work, but there might be some problems making the body connections IE wiring. and iceberg, 89 is a transition year, you can get either the early or late plugs.
Years are not interchangeable with one another. Need the harness for the SPECIFIC ECU model year. Notice I did not say motor. THe motor does not care as long as the appropiate sensors are giving the ecu information it needs to fuel and ignited the fuel.
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