I personally say N/A-T, be it turboing your current engine or building a 7M-GTE to be ready to drop in. Regardless of what powertrain you use, you should really consider making sure the engine is healthy before doing all of the work involved in the swap. What good is dropping in a 1J or a 2J thats 2 decades old just to find out the rings are shot, or it leaks oil everywhere? Same with a 7M.
I'm not sure you know what you're going for with those crazy cooling setups. Plus, are you ready to source CO2 however often you need to, just to keep some fuel and the intercooler chilled? Good luck hitting 15-20 psi reliably with N/A pistons too; in addition to having too much static compression, they seem to be pretty weak.
In my opinion, you're going to want to do many many more hours of searching and researching this project on the forums, and make sure you're ready for things to go wrong.