Hey guys , we're doing our run up to MT Baker on Oct 4th Metting at the Skagit Valley Casino At 10AM for a long lazy drive up to Artist point At Mt Baker
Must Haves
A two way Radio
Food for you
Leave at homes
Bad driving skills
Ass Hattery
This run almost didnt happen this year because of a subie lanching off of the road and the general ass hattery on the forums that ensued after the fact
So come one come all but be adults and drive safe if you can't do that
Must Haves
A two way Radio
Food for you
Leave at homes
Bad driving skills
Ass Hattery
This run almost didnt happen this year because of a subie lanching off of the road and the general ass hattery on the forums that ensued after the fact
So come one come all but be adults and drive safe if you can't do that