2jz dies at boost???

miller white

New Member
Aug 10, 2012
1994 2jz originally a factory twin turbo car. Only mods are Greddy front mount and 12v fuel pump mod. Tried a couple things and nothing seemed to solve the problem. Car sounded great in park and neutral, would rev very responsive and sounded strong. Put it in drive and it would drive fine, then as soon as you give it 75-100% throttle and it hit 4000-5000 rpms it would just die. Have to come to a stop, put the car in park, turn the ignition off, open the door then it would start. If you didnt do all this it would just crank and not start. Thinking my problem was in the huge mass of crap in the factory twins I went single turbo. Now has a 76mm single turbo, everything is on and seems to work fine. Except it still dies like before. Exactly the same. All my vsv's are unhooked, no major boost leaks. I'm running out of ideas here, can anyone point me in the right direction. Thanks for your help.


Oct 16, 2008
Meridian, ID
you probably already checked this well but my 1j was having a very similiar issue recently. i was at a loss. found out a vacuum hose to the MAP sensor was cracked/gone bad so it was dumping fuel in through the exhaust and killing it out. Hope you get it figured out.


Supra down the block
Aug 26, 2009
I too agree, check the vaccum system, you get carb cleaner and spray certain spots lightly and listen for an increase in revs.
bluebullet89;1874975 said:
you probably already checked this well but my 1j was having a very similiar issue recently. i was at a loss. found out a vacuum hose to the MAP sensor was cracked/gone bad so it was dumping fuel in through the exhaust and killing it out. Hope you get it figured out.