2 good movies about gaming. Documenteries


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Chasing of Ghosts: Beyond the Arcade

Cliffs - About the prime time age of gaming, when arcades were all the rage. Mainly shows the story of the best top gamers at the time. It has Billy Mitchell which some of you may remember from MTV's True Life I'm a Gamer, as well as Steve Wiebe who you also may know from this years E3.

Second was:

King of Kong: A fist full of quarters.

Cliffs - This kinda shows the story as its going on of Steve Wiebe trying to break Billy Mitchell's Donkey Kong record. Some shady stuff happens ... and well I don't want to ruin any of it. I recommend watching them in this order since you'll kind of get a feel for who ever one is from the first movie.

Can't believe I didn't see these before. Anyone else see them? Everyone who is interested should downlo... erm.. purchase these :).

Billy Mitchell AKA Pacman Hotsauce :) :

Also recommend seeing MTV's True Life I'm a Gamer episode 1, good ep.

csr ma71

rooftop sniper
Apr 2, 2005
bay area
If King of Kong was good enough to be parodied by Southpark, then it is awesome by default.

Not really video gaming related, but also good is:
Wordplay - crossword puzzles doc
Word wars - scrabble doc.

wordplay is the better of the two, but word wars has more characters who will stick with you

not really a game movie but crazy movie is

film geek
and the doc which inspired it, cinemania


Starcraft II ^^;;
Mar 30, 2005
Milwaukee, WI
Downloaded those but have not watched it yet. I'm actually typing this on my friends mame machine right now. My friends step dad was really really good at Donkey Kong I was told and knew for a long time and he lives / plays here. After watching that movie I wanted to see what his score on the mame was in Donkey Kong and its around 630,000... which is actually 10th place in the world according to twin galaxies. Even cooler is he used to have a high score of upper 800,000's before a format. I will try and bug him to get an official machine and try and beat the score / record or have a ref whatever.