I'm running this engine with the original A340E and using the old transmission control unit.
The gearbox shifts fine and holds (shimmed).
When pulling in D , it goes throug first gear like mad, then shifting to second it cuts the power a lot.
When manualy driving in L and then shifting to 2 manualy i can keep pulling hard, even if i then push it
in 3.
The code 42 doesnt seem to be the one causing the lowered power, and i think i might do with keeping the spd1 wire off (to get rid of speedlimiter).
The code 47 is trac related, i still have the valves in the intake and the plugs connected. Anyone have an idea to get rid of this?
The code 78 must be due to the fact i dont have the fuel computer but am just running the COR to ground. I am putting the B+ line into the DI pin on the new ecu to make it think there is one present. Doesn't seem to work.
Furthermore i put a 220 ohm resistor on the water temp input for the old gearbox control unit (to get overdrive working) and i've put 12 ohm resistors on the new ecu S1 and S2 pins.
Anyone done this before and got away with running an auto with the old computer and the engine with the new one?
The gearbox shifts fine and holds (shimmed).
When pulling in D , it goes throug first gear like mad, then shifting to second it cuts the power a lot.
When manualy driving in L and then shifting to 2 manualy i can keep pulling hard, even if i then push it
in 3.
The code 42 doesnt seem to be the one causing the lowered power, and i think i might do with keeping the spd1 wire off (to get rid of speedlimiter).
The code 47 is trac related, i still have the valves in the intake and the plugs connected. Anyone have an idea to get rid of this?
The code 78 must be due to the fact i dont have the fuel computer but am just running the COR to ground. I am putting the B+ line into the DI pin on the new ecu to make it think there is one present. Doesn't seem to work.
Furthermore i put a 220 ohm resistor on the water temp input for the old gearbox control unit (to get overdrive working) and i've put 12 ohm resistors on the new ecu S1 and S2 pins.
Anyone done this before and got away with running an auto with the old computer and the engine with the new one?