Someone Help me/Everyone Have an Exact Diagram of this mani Fold Vac.
What Should go where.
I've searched and seen the FSM's and some other pics but can't really See each line Perfectly + I'm Not using everything Factory,Like ,NO Stock FPR or Charcoal canister,etc...but my car is a Lexus and has the Heater control valve so one of these goes to that.I'm pretty sure I have it Correct but Main Issue is What PORT does the Little DIAG Box hardLine go to Shown In black???
Heres some pics and if someone could Label Each Color to go WHERE,...That'd be Great [/Lumburg voice]:thumbup:
Black: Charcoal canister?? If I don't have one What should I do.Cap It? What about the VSV under The intake mani?Keep It or cap all those?
Red: Boost/Heater Control valve?
Yellow: Supposed to go to Stock Bypass valve (I'm Using Synapse bov)
Green: Power steering assist Valve
Blue: FPR
I'm single Turbo'd:
I'm running the Driftmotion fuel lines, FPR (aeromotive) and Not running the charcoal Canister either
Thanks everyone.
What Should go where.
I've searched and seen the FSM's and some other pics but can't really See each line Perfectly + I'm Not using everything Factory,Like ,NO Stock FPR or Charcoal canister,etc...but my car is a Lexus and has the Heater control valve so one of these goes to that.I'm pretty sure I have it Correct but Main Issue is What PORT does the Little DIAG Box hardLine go to Shown In black???
Heres some pics and if someone could Label Each Color to go WHERE,...That'd be Great [/Lumburg voice]:thumbup:
Black: Charcoal canister?? If I don't have one What should I do.Cap It? What about the VSV under The intake mani?Keep It or cap all those?
Red: Boost/Heater Control valve?
Yellow: Supposed to go to Stock Bypass valve (I'm Using Synapse bov)
Green: Power steering assist Valve
Blue: FPR
I'm single Turbo'd:
I'm running the Driftmotion fuel lines, FPR (aeromotive) and Not running the charcoal Canister either
Thanks everyone.