1jz starting problems


New Member
Sep 28, 2006
Ok I got a 1j swap for a good price.so now its wired up and everything .my problem started when i went and put on my fuel lines.Im done now.... i go to fire it up and it wont start.so i was like let me check the timing,spark,and fuel.everything looked good....so i was like let me check the spark plugs.my #2 spark was loaded with oil and gas.so i change it to a ngk spark plug did couple cranks over and over to see if thats was my problem.I pulled out the ngk spark plug it was loaded with oil and gas.so i was like o.k. i need new rings for all my pistons.

my question is there or can be away to go around this?

(I had alreay cranked the motor over a couple time to get some oil moving around
so i know i did that right).

couple times it cranks over then just dies out


New Member
Apr 1, 2005
Bay Area Ca
I would test your compression on the cylinder that shows oil on the plug before you go any further. If that comes back ok (155 - 175 depending on temp) then you might start testing your MAP sensor. If you find fuel on the plugs I recommend pulling a vac. line and see if you can get it to lean out a little and idle. I assume you have checked fuses and other basic stuff.