I am trying to make a fields harness to connect the JZ harness to the 7M body, like this for a 1986.5
Problem is, as you can tell, there are a some extra wires and some missing, and also many differences from what is seen on ricks site.
For the IG1 --> M1 harness most match up to the diagram except for pins 19, 22 and 23 on the IG1. The M1 connector is pretty much identical to the diagram.
Pin 19 (Check Engine Light) which is grey - green on the diagram is grey - red on my plug. I assumed that the color was probably not of importance and connected it to M1 pin 8.
Pin 22 in the diagram is empty and Pin 23 is yellow-black. However, on my plug they are both grey - green and are connected to gether about a foot from the plug
For the IH1 & IH2 --> B1 harness there are more issues
My B1 connector, has a few more wires than in the diagram, and some missing
Pin 11, which is teal and red in the diagram is missing on my connector, however it s not listed as going anywhere in the diagram, so im not to worried about it.
Pins 18-22 are also signficantly different, Pin 18 is missing in the diagram but is yellow-blue on my connector, Pin 19 is yellow-blue on the diagram but red-yellow on my connector. Pin 20 is missing on the diagram and is white - blue on my connector, Pin 21 is missing on the diagram but red-green on my connector. Pinn 22 is red-yellow on the diagram, but brown on my connector. I recognize that the diagram shows the male end and I am looking at the female end, so color change may not be a big deal. I am also thinking that the pins that are missing on the diagram , which I have on my connector are cruise control.
The IH1 actually seems pretty good, the diagram has a red-yellow wire at pin 8, but I believe the car my engine cam from must just not have cruise control.
The IH2 is a mess, according to the diagram there is nothing at pin 3, however my plug has a red-yellow wire at this location, does anyone know what this wire could be for.
I would love to get my cruise control working too, but since the car i got my 1jz from, didnt seem to have it im not sure how i can do it.
If anyone can help me with this wiring mess please help me out.
Thanks for the help
Problem is, as you can tell, there are a some extra wires and some missing, and also many differences from what is seen on ricks site.
For the IG1 --> M1 harness most match up to the diagram except for pins 19, 22 and 23 on the IG1. The M1 connector is pretty much identical to the diagram.
Pin 19 (Check Engine Light) which is grey - green on the diagram is grey - red on my plug. I assumed that the color was probably not of importance and connected it to M1 pin 8.
Pin 22 in the diagram is empty and Pin 23 is yellow-black. However, on my plug they are both grey - green and are connected to gether about a foot from the plug
For the IH1 & IH2 --> B1 harness there are more issues
My B1 connector, has a few more wires than in the diagram, and some missing
Pin 11, which is teal and red in the diagram is missing on my connector, however it s not listed as going anywhere in the diagram, so im not to worried about it.
Pins 18-22 are also signficantly different, Pin 18 is missing in the diagram but is yellow-blue on my connector, Pin 19 is yellow-blue on the diagram but red-yellow on my connector. Pin 20 is missing on the diagram and is white - blue on my connector, Pin 21 is missing on the diagram but red-green on my connector. Pinn 22 is red-yellow on the diagram, but brown on my connector. I recognize that the diagram shows the male end and I am looking at the female end, so color change may not be a big deal. I am also thinking that the pins that are missing on the diagram , which I have on my connector are cruise control.
The IH1 actually seems pretty good, the diagram has a red-yellow wire at pin 8, but I believe the car my engine cam from must just not have cruise control.
The IH2 is a mess, according to the diagram there is nothing at pin 3, however my plug has a red-yellow wire at this location, does anyone know what this wire could be for.
I would love to get my cruise control working too, but since the car i got my 1jz from, didnt seem to have it im not sure how i can do it.
If anyone can help me with this wiring mess please help me out.
Thanks for the help