So I'm going with a PLX oil pressure sender to use with their multi gauge system in conjunction with their wideband. All the research I've done says that I need to use the one wire sensor next to the ac compressor. I tried to get a 24mm over it but it wouldn't fit.
So my question is, can I use the oil feed that was for the twins since I'm doing a single turbo at the same time? Common sense says that it should work cause there's just a plug in there now from the oil line kit but I wanted to double check since my 1j isn't in a supra so the space to work is extremely limited ao I'd rather do it with the engine out.
Thanks guys!
So my question is, can I use the oil feed that was for the twins since I'm doing a single turbo at the same time? Common sense says that it should work cause there's just a plug in there now from the oil line kit but I wanted to double check since my 1j isn't in a supra so the space to work is extremely limited ao I'd rather do it with the engine out.
Thanks guys!