Ok, i've search for some time to find pictures of a stock or bpu supra and how the vacum lines are ran for the BOV, Charcole canister, vacum ports on the d/s, map sensor, and all other vacum sources that need to be hooked up.
I can not find any pictures. I have the vacum diagram for the 1J but it only show's the intake side and i still have a few places that aren't hooked up that werent mentioned in the diagram.
Can someone please provide me with pictures up close n some what detailed as to where what goes where etc etc.
I can not find any pictures. I have the vacum diagram for the 1J but it only show's the intake side and i still have a few places that aren't hooked up that werent mentioned in the diagram.
Can someone please provide me with pictures up close n some what detailed as to where what goes where etc etc.
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