yeah that is what i was thinking. I was looking at a pic of a cressida engine bay online and it looks like it has the same upper intake mani as the gte??? I thought the NA's had a different intake mani????
Just trying to see what parts i can use on my get build
The US never got a manual 7m powerd cressy that i am aware of (the 5m cars did)
The intake its self is a turbo (7m upper) intake with the cressida special plastic pipe where the 3k pipe would be. The oil pan is different from a supra pan as is the sump. Engine mounts are in a different spot (due the engine sitting a bit before the front axel in the cressy) there are some other difference as well but u can put a supra engine in one i have one here i did an NA supra swap on. A w58 tranny can go in it but not a direct bolt in some mods must be made (pm me for more detaills on doing the swap)
I am just going to pull a few parts off of it that i have lost in the process of doing my build. Is there any sort of cressida crowd out there that may be interested in some parts off of it??? because i really dont need any of the major engine parts off of plan is to take the little sensors and covers here and there that i need and taking everything else on the car and just parting it out
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