1989 GTE skip and code 25 trouble shooting


New Member
May 24, 2010
Dealing with this issue for more than three months, when it began after allowing the fuel tank to get below empty. Have used Techron and B-12 on different tank fills thinking it may be an injector contamination issue. The skip ONLY begins after shutting down the engine in a hot or warm mode and heat soaking. Once begun, the engine must be allowed to go completely cold before there no skip.
Over this past weekend, I drove the Queen to Northeast Georgia to visit friends. On cold start the car ran great for the 1.5 hour drive, with full performance up all the hills to Ski Valley. I was careful not to turn off the engine for fear it would develop the skip. The Queen sat dormant for the weekend. This afternoon I restarted, and again she ran flawlessly. about 30 minutes from home the Check Engine Light CEL came on with no apparent change in performance. This has happened before and I just cleared the code. After shutting down the engine I allowed the engine to sit for about 10 minutes, I did a restart and the skip was back. I checked the codes tonight and code 25 came up as it has each time the skip has occurred. So, it appears I will be continuing to trouble shoot other components tomorrow. For the 20 time..

The Queen Skip.... 89 7M Turbo GTE Code 25..... most likely cause of lean mixture. Looking for a tutorial or youtube video specific to the 7mgte on how to test the injectors. And least difficult way to remove for cleaning. Code 25..... most likely cause of lean mixture. Pretty much have ruled out spark plugs, wires, and coil. Do not think it is a fuel delivery problem because it seem that poor delivery would cause the skip all the time. The injectors have never been removed. Could a exhaust header flange leak, cause enough heat soak to cause the 02 sensor to cause the ECU to cause the engine to miss fire or starve the injectors. Or could this also cause the code25 to pop up after long driving or hard engine driving?
Oct 11, 2005
Thousand Oaks, CA
Not exactly sure what a skip is, but start by checking the VSV for the fuel pressure up circuit. Make sure that valve does not stick open when energized and hot.