10th Annual Toronto Supra Meet - 2005


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
Hot Fun in the Summer Time…10th Annual Canadian Supra Appreciation Days

Not just a rip off of the title of a top ten hit from 1969, but what we’ll be having in Toronto come August. It’s going to be a Hot Town, Summer in the City…ok, I know, enough of the lame song title game…

Supra’s, Sun, Summer, Scorched Tires, Screaming Turbos, Sizzling Engine Bays, Sausages and Steaks on the Grill…we have it all. What more could anyone want? The largest Supra meet in Canada, and the oldest continuously running meet in North America…perhaps even the world, but I still haven’t learned enough Japanese to figure that out…damn, I said that last year too…lazy me!

This is the meet to be at this year. If you’ve been up before, you want to be here as we celebrate 10 years. If this is your first trip to Toronto, you want to be here to start your new meet traditions. This is a huge milestone year in the world of the Supra…The TSC summer meet tradition means Supras, owners, good food and great times!

Dates: August 19th, 20th, 21st 2005

Location: Toronto, Ontario Canada (where else?)

Hotel: Driving from out of town you say? The meet hotel is closer to the action this year, and easier to find than ever. The Days Hotel and Conference Centre – Toronto Airport. This is almost next door to the Perkins where we start with breakfast each day. Visit the Hotel forums on our site http://www.torontosupraclub.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=XForum&file=forumdisplay&fid=41

Events and Activities:

Friday August 19th:

You guessed it, A Night at the Opera…singing Supras belting out the high “C” that only spinning tires and some spooling turbos can make at Toronto Motorsports Park. On tap, we have drag racing from 7 till they kick our tails out, and then the always eventful run back to Toronto. Just like last year, in case Mother Nature has a sudden urge to save herself from the onslaught of our rubber, we have a backup plan. No huddling sheltered from the falling rain under the overhang at a Tim Hortons wondering, “ummmm…where should we go from here?” This year, we have places to go…we know people, and they have a place…we’re prepared. Though we’ll still stop under the overhang for a coffee on the way, we really do have a destination…trust us…

Saturday August 20th:

What? More time with the cars this year than ever you say? Alright…no need to twist my arm…But how is this possible you ask? We crush the nay-sayers into submission to make it possible, that’s how! Supra owners cruise, they like cruising and hence, we do what we have to so they may have cruising. Saturday’s official events take place in 5 locations this year to give people more time to appreciate that their cars made it through the night before without white smoke out the tailpipe.

The day starts at 8am for the optional, but very tasty (and a club tradition) breakfast at Perkins.

From there, we fly off to take over the lot of a favorite TSC sponsor shop Autobahn, where they kindly let us do our annual show and shine event. Charity raffles, awards and our charity BBQ all take place at their fine establishment. Mmmmm…BBQ…. There, I said it again. TSC meets = Supras, lots of good food and plenty of good times.

Mid afternoon, we blow that pop stand and head for the closest road race facility we can get to in 20 minutes drive: Centennial Park Mini-Indy. No F-1 Michelin tire fiascos here, everyone gets to compete, and the spectators are going to love it! 2 kilometers of track, hills, valleys, straights and twisties, plus off track there’s a viewing area, an arcade, more food, plenty of parking lot and other activities. We chill here a bit, or put our driving skills to the test, all without risking the precious paint on our babies.

Early evening, we blast off in Supra style for another crowd favorite: Frankie Tomato’s restaurant. We cruise past the downtown and head up one of the most winding stretches of highway in the city until we get to the food. Buffet Italian dinner, all you can eat…what more could you want?

From here, a stealthy late night cruise to the north end of the city, deep into the heart of the Kingdom of Ricer is in order…we lay in wait, and then, we ambush! They’ll never know what hit them…but I picture type R stickers littering the roads…

Sunday, August 21st:

Whew...It’s been a long weekend…time for a rest. We start the morning at Perkins again for some of those fine bacon and egg type things, and move out from there to rest and relax. But what goes better with resting and relaxing than a little BBQ in the park. Sunday, the annual last day BBQ and relax session at Sunnybrook park. Same location as last year. Bring your lawn chairs, prepare for a day in the sun but men, leave the Speedo’s at home…please…seriously…for the love of all that is sacred and holy…guys…Speedos are wrong…ladies however, feel free to wear what you’d like.

So get it together, sign your vacation time off and get up here for the greatest and largest meet this side of the Mississippi. You’ll kick your own tail if you miss this. Visit the Official Meet information thread at http://www.torontosupraclub.com/modules.php?op=modload&name=XForum&file=index&gid=39 for all the latest information.



in ur sink
Apr 6, 2005
Richmond, VA
god I'd love to go to this...I know I'm in Virginia in all...but I went to T.O. about a year ago and I fell in love with the place! Absolutely amazing city :-( I miss it...lol...for more reasons than one, (g/f moved there....kinda didn't work out....that long distance and all)....but I really wish I could go!

sorry for the useless post....just throwin out some love for T.O.! Especially Downtown! :)

oh and I'd lke to say...I was in downtown T.O. during the height of the SARS crap...lol....didn't really care at the time...americans kinda blew that whole thing out of proportion anyways...lol....
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New Member
Mar 30, 2005
Ok...Toronto is SARS Free, no weird bird flu thing, and the big blackout of last year is just that: last year...

We run this international meet hard core. Whatever is going on around us, we are in the cars and hitting the events...just as the power was coming back on for the most part last year in the blackout, we were heading to the drag strip...seems most people were busy putting flashlights away and recharging batteries, as no car that wanted to run that many had less than 15 passes. Almost hope for a blackout on the thursday again :D


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
Final week for guaranteed hotel pricing. After August 6, who knows what the price might be. As I said before, if they're not booked, you might get it this cheap, but you may pay a lot more if space is tight.


in ur sink
Apr 6, 2005
Richmond, VA
yeah, I said I went during the sars scare.....america made more of a big deal about it than just about anyone else...lol.....but yeah...it was more than a year ago....I wasn't referring to anything recent...

and I was saying that I really wish I could go...

I guess you could say I was ...."Givin props to T.O."...lol

sorry for the misunderstanding....


New Member
Mar 30, 2005
One week...7 sleeps till TO. Hit the links in the first post to register, see the events, plan your visit.