turbogate said:
Thanks for the info. So does that mean I should be ok for now? lol, you lost me for a little bit. I meant to say 43psi base fuel pressure without vacuum line attached.
If you run 43psi static (no vaccum), 1000cc injectors, a single mk4 pump, and only run 6 psi of boost, you'll be fine.

The most a mk4 pump will do is 49psi at the rail. That's 43 static and 6 psi of boost, or 33 static and 16psi of boost. The final pressure has to be 49psi or less.
Truely, you're running an AEM, so you an run static pressures of 33 psi and run 16psi of boost. The pump should be able to do that, but not much more.
Pumps create flow and when they are restricted, they create pressure. You adjusting fuel pressure, is that restriction. When they get restricted, they start to flow less and less. The more restriction, the less flow.
People say you can run about 550rwhp on a single mk4 or walbro pump. That's at the edge... the very edge. Too close for a street car if you ask me. As long as you're under that power level, it *should* work.
This is one reason why I've been at 500rwhp for 5 years. Quite the PITA to add dual pumps to the small mk3 hanger and be able to squeeze them into that small opening. After doing it on a friend's car, I wanted to sell mine.
Why not opt for some 680 injectors. Those would be a better match for your needs. In fact, that should be about all the injector you'd need on that turbo. You'll even have injector to spare.