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    Highest HP 1JZ?

    They didn't see that. Some people only see tail lights. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
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    Highest HP 1JZ?

    People are too serious here. It would be different if it was turned around. Here, I will leave you guys with some tissue that will go with your Dandelions. Maybe add some ice cream and a movie to the list. :rofl:
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    How reliable is the 7mgte?

    OMG I guess I have to go here. My engine doesn't have a lot in to it as many think. Stock crank, bearings, and rail. It has rods and pistons like any other high hp car that you want reliable and a gasket. BEFORE this engine, I had one other with JE's and everything else was bone stock other...
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    15 people to get a sticky? You kidding me? He can simply put it up, that simple. The idea having a sticky is to notify people that we are having an event. LMAO. I may be there, but on one of my bikes.
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    Dynoed my supra today Wow

    It appears that you dropped a lickerish on your paper.
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    How reliable is the 7mgte?

    Over 700 hp on my lowest setting and runs like a champ the past 4 years. Maybe it's time to get a different machinist/assembler. I've messed with these for 14 years. :p They can be reliable. Many people boost the crap out of them with 120,000 plus miles and expect them to be like new. lol...
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    Highest HP 1JZ?

    this ^ and this > :: lolsign ::
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    Highest HP 1JZ?

    Out? Out of what? Potential power for the 1J? :D Relax,! Someone can't even take a joke! What's this world coming to. Besides, seeing comments like, "they hardly break a sweat @600hp" is pretty far from the truth and you know it's gonna get a response. I take it for having a 7M too, so...
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    Highest HP 1JZ?

    LMAO They strain to make power like a dandelion struggles to be a flower. If I wasn't doin renos to house, I would slap one of these engines in my lawn mower.
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    Supramania's Elite Engine bay Thread...ZERO progress pics.

    This gen has no idea of what that even means. Major fail!!!lol
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    3270 lbs street car

    Mine was 3210 with full tank of gas plus cage is 100 making it 3310. No front bumper support but I have over 30 pounds of sound deaden I added to keep car quite inside. :D I have rear seat missing because of the cage but otherwise all full interior. Duane
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    NW Section so lame on SM

    Who's going to the Nationals this year? :)
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    Project Great White

    The car has been a long time in the making! Nice to see you keep at it. And, the head, what did you torque it to? Also, that car that you like, it's my buddies sons car and looks totally different now. So, you can have this look and be your own. ;) BTW, you stole my name!!! I had that from...
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    Little photo shoot

    Everything looks perfect, except the engine bay. Someone put in a smaller engine while you weren't looking. :icon_razz Seriously though, they did. :yikes: I kid I kid. Duane
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    Spokane Supras

    Get reggied for the people!!
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    Standalone Decision... Help!

    I know for a fact that Jeff blew up three 2J's because of the AEM, and a couple of locals as well. The Vi-pec V88 is a nice unit and I know a few people running them and are flawless. :) The Hal-tech is also a good unit. I know 2 people running them. Duane
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    ems opinions for ~750rwhp

    MoTeC would be number one choice, but, stay away from AEM. I know many that have blown engines because of that pos stand alone. Go with either the Hal-tech or a V-iPec which is what Dave runs. :) With 750 hp, generally you have lots of money put in to the car at this point and the ECU is the...
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    Look what my daughter made me...

    Pretty cool to see! I have art but it's in a frame in the garage. Duane