So I was finally able to boost leak test my car after swapping my blow off valve and the only thing that's leaking is the PVC line from the throttle body plugged that up and held pressure with a slight drop after 2 min. However still hitting fuel cut and over boosting I will get a boost guage to...
Thats what I figured and the car came with a Bob turboxs super leaker 5000 so I will have to weld on a new adapter and replace with a quality unit thanks for your help. oh when I finish the exhaust 3" to a flow master or magna flow single in and single out will it add enough back pressure to...
Basically iI have a stock turbo with no boost controller of any sort and its pushing to much boost Hose from compressor housing to actuator is good with no holes
Ok so I just traded for a mk3 first one suppository it has a MHg arp studs but all that is unconfirmed. The car is burying the stock boost guage(no gauges yet) and hitting fuel cut I've checked everything I can and was just wondering if an open downpipe will cause the waste gate to not be...
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