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  1. S

    Mysterious Illness of my 7m.....

    hmm ill check out the plenum might be my prob
  2. S

    Mysterious Illness of my 7m.....

    yeaa all those aspects checked and double checked cept maybe the egr but it wouldnt cause problems of this magnitude or would it ??? and valve las is form the shim to cam lobe right?
  3. S

    Mysterious Illness of my 7m.....

    which is that gaps between the cam lobes and shims? prolly wrong what is valve lash
  4. S

    Mysterious Illness of my 7m.....

    is it possible that maybe the machine shop who did the valve job and resurfacing of my head could be to blame maybe they screwed up some of the intake valves by any chance??
  5. S

    Mysterious Illness of my 7m.....

    alright thanks guys ill check it out
  6. S

    Mysterious Illness of my 7m.....

    yeqa most definatly the cams are on right position and we got the coilpacks wires hooked up too i believe we went through all the combonations and there spot on but were still lost. ohh wingman your nathan right?
  7. S

    Mysterious Illness of my 7m.....

    oh yea duh the timing is right on point too at about 12 degrees before tdc
  8. S

    Mysterious Illness of my 7m.....

    Allright so my 7mgte 89 is all together after the bhg job now the car will crank start but not continue running without gas it will immedaitly die with out throttle. Now between 1500 rpms and anthing higher itll sound smooth anything lower and it will begin to miss and die under 700rpms. Now...
  9. S

    no spark to cylinder five two and three

    i just took a timing light but put it on each wire to each plug. then used a ohmeter to check the coil's the tsrm said that it should be between.3 and.5 when cold but i read .1 off mine . i guess it makes snse two and five are out together cause there on the same coil pack but why three what...
  10. S

    no spark to cylinder five two and three

    i checked the resistance of the coils and the high tension wires but can't figure out whats going. my timing is fine and it wants to start it even gets up to about 1500rpms if i gas it but then dies after about 4 seconds. i just finished my hg job and am so anixous to get it running. What should...
  11. S

    there is no mark on my cps help

    alright thanks ill check it out
  12. S

    there is no mark on my cps help

    ohh i see one pack runs through 2 sparkplugs so im prolly losing spark at 5 and another right? what could it be incomplete circuit ?? and if so which other cylinder is not firing ?
  13. S

    there is no mark on my cps help

    i dnt have a functioning camera but i have the hole half way between the pins and im playing with that and a timing light to get it started i can get it to go for about 3 seconds up to 1000rpm but it will immediatly die. its passing a lot of gas and also has no spark to cylinder five. wats goin...
  14. S

    there is no mark on my cps help

    really cuz the tsrm says there is a pretrusion on the driven gear(the one you can spin)? so if i should use that hole just line it up as dead center as possible?
  15. S

    there is no mark on my cps help

    on my cps's driven gear there is no mark or protrusion or any difference between any of the individual teeth so nothing to line up with the groove on the hosuing what should i do any advice is much appreciated thank you pat