OK I ran a diagnostic on it and I'm getting codes 14 and 15, now the site I look at for my code meanings doesn't have a code 15, so if anyone knows what that is that would be great. Also I looked and where the fuel filter should be there is just a block of aluminum connecting the line. So unless...
I Just replaced the TPS and adjusted it to where it is supposed to be, I idle at about 800 or 900(when the engine is warm) and 1200 on cold days. I does do it more when it is cold but I can be driving for half an hour and it will still do it. I believe my bov is working correctly, but how would...
I have only had the car for about 2 months but from the begging I have been having two problem pretty consistently. First it will die when you put a load on it then press the clutch in. But the main problem is that in 1st and 2nd gear when ever I take of briskly it will get up to about 15 or so...
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