Sale ends 09-12-24. 25% off and free shipping for orders above $75. Free shipping up to $200 shipping cost. Here is a link to Decatur Toyota. There was no sales tax on the last 3 orders. Click here to go there. The checkout calculation looks like creative book keeping, but it ends up...
Take 5% off of your Rock Auto order at check out by pasting this code into "How did you hear about us". Expires: 07/26/24 at midnight central time.
Rock Auto
Shipping is kind of strange at Rock Auto, since deleting items can really change the shipping total. I usually...
Does anyone know Lee Fisher a mechanic in St. Petersburg, FL? He sold me a "rebuilt" Supra engine a year ago that he rebuilt a year before that for someone that stopped coming back to his shop. He listed it on Craigs list at a time when I needed a cylinder head because mine was cracked. I...
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