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  1. Stic wit it

    Some Boost Problems

    "Better jack up the cap and roll another one under it" Nick What are u refering to? and thanks for the help. thanks alot.
  2. Stic wit it

    Some Boost Problems

    Working on my bro's car today. just checking out his engine that he just recently picked up from dynoxtreme. that sarkis worked on. Dynoxtreme for mk3's just ain't happening they did really $hitty work.ill explain later. Anyways back to the point i was changing my bro's intake. And i noticed...
  3. Stic wit it

    SocaL members

    Me and my Brother Out here in fontana/Rancho Cucamonga. With his White 89 TurboMk3.
  4. Stic wit it

    What does your SUPRASTICK look like?!!!!1!!

    Ill Be Posting My Brothers Soon.