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  1. crislwd310

    MK3 mechanic

    so which one is precision autowerkz in Inglewood that his shop to???
  2. crislwd310

    MK3 mechanic guys are helping me alot ........hopefully i can get more help later when everything is pluged up........i will post pictures of my build as soon as i can.
  3. crislwd310

    MK3 mechanic

    where can i find a diagram for all the vacum lines?
  4. crislwd310

    MK3 mechanic

    just need a mechanic to finish my project lost my patience already
  5. crislwd310

    MK3 mechanic

    does anybody know a good MK3 mechanic in los angeles area.........please help.
  6. crislwd310

    PCH cruise

    what shop did you take your mk3 to???...........i been trying to finish my project and need a shop that can do it.......i stay in lynwood CA...........hit me up.