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  1. OneJArpus

    me and my brothers work

    Great work man! I loved the video and the message was clear and good, im not a holy person but from time to time i sit and listen. Good stuff man!
  2. OneJArpus

    Engine Bay Wash

    this did wonders for me.
  3. OneJArpus

    My rant and problems (VENTING V1.0)

    ok here goes, i don't rant or rave all that often but i think its time for a pretty good ranting and raving session. First of all i've worked with the same company for 3 years and 9 months. I just got laid off WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!. They stated that its because the economy. They said that i'm...
  4. OneJArpus

    Need a whole thread to post my MKIV! Come see why!!! (56K DIE!!!)

    great work! :) 2 da's, supra, vette, and aton more wth? Gotta junk yard in your backyard! lol
  5. OneJArpus

    1J Not starting (No fuel)

    anyone know what this wire is? Its the only one with out a connector too it. this is located in the glove box area with the body plugs. Is it needed.
  6. OneJArpus

    1J Not starting (No fuel)

    cool! I will let you know what happens tonight.
  7. OneJArpus

    1J Not starting (No fuel)

    I'm not getting any power to PIN # 5 on the EA2 connector. Pin 1 & 2 (EFI) have power. I also checked the ECU and pin # 11 IIRC doesn't get power which is for the Injector# 3 & 5
  8. OneJArpus

    rb26 in mk3

    yuck in a MKIV it will be yuck in a MKIII
  9. OneJArpus

    +How-To Walbro Install with 12VRelay all in one thread with Pics

    just adding some info as it was missing some information. 20amp fuse for the fuse holder and i used this diagram to hook up the relay correctly.
  10. OneJArpus

    1J Not starting (No fuel)

    ok, 12v mod works, relay clicks on, fuel pump turns on, still no start. I'm guessing the EFI pin 2 & pin 5 are causing this problem. I don't hear the injectors firing. Where should i start checking??
  11. OneJArpus

    1J Not starting (No fuel)

    ok did the 12v mod with a 20amp fuse that keeps blowing.... i checked the EA2 connector and pin # 2 & pin # 5 = EFI, no juice any time. Question, do i keep the resister plugged in when doing the 12v mod? EFI fuse in the fuse box is getting power Where should i start looking? I had a jumper...
  12. OneJArpus

    FFIM Molds?

    wow this is pimpin...
  13. OneJArpus

    My supra was hit today.. yup. (PICS)

    OUCH! Time to go diggin for a qtr panel
  14. OneJArpus

    1J Not starting (No fuel)

    i only go on a computer from 9 am to 5pm m-f cuz im at work. Even if i'm away just IM me. 973-722-0335 give me a call if you want.
  15. OneJArpus

    1J Not starting (No fuel) I might try this. Jump the diag box and see if this works.
  16. OneJArpus

    1J Not starting (No fuel)

    I need the C1 connector pin out for a 88 supra. I need to know what does what, but i cant locate it anywhere. i've searched all my brain can give me. Ok, i wired my C1 connect CORRECTLY to the EA2. Here is my problem now, the EFI fuse is getting power, the relay and resister is...
  17. OneJArpus

    Post Your Desktop. (Some possibly NWS)

    Here's my work PC's backround
  18. OneJArpus

    Some fun against a Built & Boosted Civic Hatch

    Nice run, pretty quick civic but just fell short of being the fastest car there :)
  19. OneJArpus

    R154's DO SUCK!!

    It does, for your setup :)