I figured as much i have a T3 Actuator with a 7psi spring but its universal so ill have to make it fit. Anyone know how i should go about this? The acutator rod arm needs to be extended a bit and the rod arm needs to be bent to match the 20G's acuator.
Hmm you may be right ill look into it...
Ok so im doing my Boost Leak Test tommorow if it doesnt rain. I took two more videos tonight. I rechecked all my IC clamps i could get to. Say i do my test tommorow, and there are no leaks, what else could be attributing to the problems.
Video 1 shows the turbo lag i have and how bad it is...
I agree with you 100%, although i must say the JSOC (Japan Supra Owners Club) get along a lot better than the Community here in the states. My Japanese pen pals always email me telling me about the meets they have every month. Theres no hate, everyone loves the Supra for what it is, that...
So i thought i fixed all my boost leaks, but Figgie believes something is wrong so im def. looking into it. The car is all stock save for bolt on and its running a 20G turbo (the actuator is adjusted so i dont boost 14psi so the flapper door is open slightly if that affects anything) the best i...
If the features are there it still wont be a legit Turbo A but itll be as close as you can get. If you wanna get real close. need a hardtop MK3 manufactured between August 88 and November 88. Turbo A's were manufactured in September or October i cant remember exactly. Youll need one with gray...
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