That would have to be for a set of 24 as they state the motor having 24 valves in their description of the motor. So why not have 24 in a "SET" for XXX.XX dollars.
my friend worked at a Toyota dealer ship and he said that his dealership did these repairs about a yr or two ago before it became a big issue to the public. LOL There are many different recalls for many different manufactures. Its a circle of heat everyone has to deal with eventually.
Def a different game from COD.
I like both. This game is more tactical and is great with a good team. been playing the demo on xbox. Playing it so much i feel like own the damn game LOL.
Looks great ONLY! When professionally painted! No rattle can!. I have a few pics of ferrari's that are done this way and they look awesome! But professional paint job ONLY
Cop: Pop the hood
ME: Hood locks, can I please see your warrant officer?
He will most likely check for a cat. If no cat say bye bye to car if he checks. No cats on my car or hood locks. Never had a cop check under the car or ask to see under the hood unless he wanted to talk "cars". Then i act...
the MKIII brake system as a vacuum reserve for two pumps of the brake pedal. Shut the engine off and hit the brakes to slow down if need be you have 1 more time to hit it again if you get off for any reason to slow the car down normally. After that super hard brakes.
might be the heater valve as stated above. If you want just get an elbow to bypass it and run straight coolant through the heater core with no valve control.
It is a GOOGLE phone, provided to them by HTC. It is for TMobile. It does not support 3G yet for ATT. Just 2GS, they say in the next few months they will have one to support 3G for ATT & a Verizon version.
check out - i was on that site for hours looking at phoen reviews
I was...
I just ordered a Nexus One cell phone. I've saw a few videos and read a few reviews. Just wondering if anyone in the supra community has one?
I also got "ONEJARPUS" engraved on the back of it along with Toyota Supra 1.5JZ :) lol free so why not.
Power and battery
Removable 1400 mAH battery...
I have a 89 Same color that iw ill be parting out soon. You probably wont even need much paint as the paint on my car is about the same as yours. PM me or give me your number maybe we can work something out on the entire front end for the car.
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