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  1. Justin

    A couple maft pro problems:

    Which output did you use for the LC1 into the Maft pro? One is setup correctly and the other is not. The only reason I suggest this is because when I had mine hooked up incorrectly I was reading those types of numbers
  2. Justin

    Seagate/Maxtor suck in big way

    heh, I had a Maxtor drive fail... no backups of the data or anything. It was really strange problem. I can't remember the details of the issue, but for some reason I thought the only problem was the circuit board, not anything internal. I searched ebay for about a month before I found the...
  3. Justin

    Maroon NA in Spokane

    I'm talkin MK3 here. I guess I should have specified. Still used to SM being MK3 only :D
  4. Justin

    Zangetsu's Bankai: '92 Supra Twin Turbo

    That sucks buddy, I'm sorry :(
  5. Justin

    Arguement gets physical...

    Not a really great idea... what happens when they grab theirs, that actually has bullets? You're dead.
  6. Justin

    +How-To Walbro Install with 12VRelay all in one thread with Pics

    I would also not use that style of fuse holder. I've ran into problems with that style many, many, many times. Instead, use a holder like this, its water proof, uses a more common style of fuse, and all around is just better.
  7. Justin

    Maroon NA in Spokane

    At least it looks like an na... no badge, nor spoiler. I see you leaving SCC everyday around 2:30. Are you on here?
  8. Justin

    Snow's 92 2JZGTE Build - (Pics updated 3/3/29)

    Ahhhh! I just got to the last post and tried to click for the next page! Looks great guys, I'm looking forward to following your progress :)
  9. Justin

    Show us your GAUGES!

    I have fooled around with them since that picture was taken, they're all straight on and kinda angled a little like the factory gauges.
  10. Justin

    Headlight motor wiring path

    Hey bud, I tried calling ya to help ya out over the phone... i'll go out and check now for ya though.... here ya go.... they were taken with my phone so i hope they're clear enough for you... i'll probably be up for another half an hour so if you need anything give me a ring.
  11. Justin

    Just curious as to what oil pressure you guys are getting on a stock setup

    I get ~4psi at idle, with the engine warm. This is measured with an aftermarket, electronic gauge.
  12. Justin

    best exhaust

    I have the SuperHyper Medallion and I'm very happy with it. I really like how quiet it is, and I think it sounds great when I get on it.
  13. Justin

    Ok, who should pay? v.ebaywrongzipcode

    Lets do Coke.
  14. Justin

    Aftermarket gauges in cluster

    I think I had about a total of 20 hours into mine from start to finish. In reality it took me damn near a year, but then again I have a real issue with finishing things once I start them. I would not rate it as easy in the least bit. I suppose if you're putting 52mm in it'd be a lot easier...
  15. Justin

    Tookwik's 3E5/7M is FTW build, Pt. 2. (Actual progress occurring regularly)

    Those wheels are awesome. I was going to get them but I simply could not afford them! Way to go man :) Good choice.
  16. Justin

    Quick Maft-Pro question

    I'm sorry, I meant messed with as far as tried to tune it, or anything to that nature. I have gone through and set all the settings for the supra, and gotten it so the car should run well. I have not hooked it up to my laptop, or gone in depth with changing anything from default for the...
  17. Justin

    Quick Maft-Pro question

    Yeah, I'll work on that... I honestly have not really messed with the maft yet, I was under the assumption(confirmed in the first two posts) that the car should run as it did before the install. I'll figure out how to get the xdf file, and post it up. The map sensor has its own dedicated...
  18. Justin

    Quick Maft-Pro question

    Thanks for the replies guys, that's kinda the reply I was expecting (maybe I asked the question before? I dunno) I guess I'll turn this into a diagnostic thread then... Mods: RonR short runner Driftmotion IC 2.5 pipes all around stock ct26 Aeromotive rc 550's walbro fp 12v mod...
  19. Justin

    Quick Maft-Pro question

    when running a maft pro, with speed density, and boost control, if everything is hooked up correctly and all the settings are input correctly, the car should idle and rev the same it did before on the stock ECU alone, correct?
  20. Justin

    ABS in my 03 Camry

    (Multi-Quote FTW) I just found out I could do that on a Camry board, it'll get done as soon as I get home from school :)