Search results

  1. Justin

    Garage Floor

    What do you guys have for garage floor sealant? It looks like I'm going to be renting the house I grew up in from my parents, and I'm going to want to seal the garage floor as that's where I'll be spending most of my time :) I want something that is really nice to look at, easy to clean, ie...
  2. Justin

    The Build of p5150 - 2JZGE-T, GT4294, Paint, and more stuff

    1: If that's the supra I think, then it does belong to someone on the board. 2: I know the previous owner before him as well...
  3. Justin

    Dear Legitimate Thug,

    In Washington, anyway, if you buy a car its covered under any current vehicles level of insurance for 30 days. You might want to look into that.
  4. Justin

    Fucking Con Artists

    LOL BTW - I just ordered a bunch of blue displays for the climate control, if you want me to re-do yours ;)
  5. Justin

    Warranty question

    I think Honda is the only company that offers that.
  6. Justin

    New wheels! Pics...alot...

    Those are nice wheels :)
  7. Justin

    Q45 TB

    I Do. Constantly. You should see my neighbors face when I come out of my garage!
  8. Justin

    NA TPS Part Number

    What's the part number of an 89+ NA TPS?
  9. Justin

    trace a phone number NWS

    Right... You never take a break to browse the forums at work? GTFO
  10. Justin


    Where does firefox save the links/bookmarks? I can't find them and I wanna backup my computer.
  11. Justin

    car is leaking coolent and smells need help really badly

    Its probably either the little right angle hose on the back of the head or the cap on the pipe that wraps around. Both are whores.
  12. Justin

    Just got my new plate

    Washington just switched from stamped to printed as well, just as I ordered my custom plate :( Not near as nice.
  13. Justin

    The Build of p5150 - 2JZGE-T, GT4294, Paint, and more stuff

    Glad you got that figured out. Sorry I wasn't much help on the phone, I just started a new job and it was busy as hell when ya called :)
  14. Justin

    how do u put in a new head unit in.. need to know badly

    Don't use a dash kit, use a Toyota pocket, and the factory bracket. DONT use a cage DONT cut anything If you have the factory radio then DONT cut any wires. Go to CarToys, Best Buy, Circuit City, Whatever, and buy a Metra 70-1761 Wire harness.
  15. Justin

    need some questions answers?

    Seven Hundred, Sixty Five Dollars, and Eighty Four Cents.
  16. Justin

    Relay for Electric Fan

    I have a shit load of 40 ampers laying around if you'd like to try one.
  17. Justin

    Relay for Electric Fan
  18. Justin

    need some questions answers?

    To keep the cam gears from spinning on the cams. I've always thought a long block was the block, head, manifolds, accessories, etc. and the short block was the assembled block, and head. period. depends on the machine shop. I could have had the machine shop I had do the machining for me build...