go 7nge duh lol really there great motors it all just depends on what you want and what your goals are.if you want a 7m at 400-500hp it can do it no problem if done right but its all about how you want that power made and what your into.
you kidding?Thats the picture I see the most of his car.
I'm not a fan of no shaved moldings but in some case's like Randys car I think it's looks good.But hey diffrent stokes for diffrent fokes.I say nay but it's your car.
I'm shocked that there not more pics up cause I've seen at least 6...
rs*r's are nice.I hear they don't make them any more but I think theres a few places that have a few laying around.I don't think the rs*r is the best looking but it sounds bad ass and it's lightweight and sits up high.Thats what I have but one day I would love to have a custom cat back made were...
I say fix it.
p.s. somone should make a thread here on how to replace/fix rusted/dented quarter panels.
good luck with everything and I'm glad to hear that your ok
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