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  1. Figit090

    Installing an amp, tips?

    Well, here's the reasons I'm keeping the OEM amp; 1 - The head unit is externally amplified, and that makes changing the wiring a hassle, i just got it to work with the OEM amp and since the head unit doesn't have an amp, it doesn't have positive and negative speaker outputs. I dont know how...
  2. Figit090

    Installing an amp, tips?

    I just got my OEM radio working, FINALLY...and i realized trying to revive the thread about my first attempt at this was a dumb idea, and i have new questions anyway... So.. What's the best way to go about wiring up an amp? I have a Toyota head-unit with an external OEM amp currently. I...
  3. Figit090

    Trade or not

    wait a second, you have a nice GTE sitting around? what parts do you need?? sell something and buy the parts! sell your GE! do you have another option for temporary transportation? if your car is good for a swap, keep it, and do it :D It's got the mint interior anyhow..
  4. Figit090

    Trade or not

    sounds like an assload of work for a car you might later on worry about. are you sure the engine has new parts, and they aren't just shiny? I dont like the sounds of it...a rattle can paint job? it better be damn good or you're going to have to repaint the whole car...did you ask him why he...
  5. Figit090

    Should i buy this car!!

    ACK! i've never seen such a good pic of a narrowbody before! from the side it's much eaiser to tell.. not that i hate it but i'd definitely swing for a widebody over that. yeah it's unique but...meh...i dunno. i like the streamlined look but i'd have to see it next to a widebody to tell...
  6. Figit090

    Help needed: OEM stereo wiring, just about hooked up!

    Just to let you know, that diagram you modded to help me helped a lot, thanks! it was incorrect for my application however if anyone down the line reads this. the "blue" and "blue with yellow stripe" needed to be switched. I confirmed first with a voltage tester - easy. NEW Questions -...
  7. Figit090

    Help needed: OEM stereo wiring, just about hooked up!

    YES!!! I got it to work!!! I took a pair of portable speakers and a voltage tester to confirm what wires were the speaker wires and discovered I had two reveresed! On the wiring diagram posted on the second page (i think) it says the speaker wire is blue while the power wire is blue with...
  8. Figit090

    Help needed: OEM stereo wiring, just about hooked up!

    I think you might be already! Can I just use a wire to ground the amp? how did you ground it? i tried before but i think i did too poor of a job and now that i think about it, an amp has to have a good ground. I get that clicking. I'm reworking it to try the OEM amp again... but yeah if...
  9. Figit090

    Help needed: OEM stereo wiring, just about hooked up!

    -------SECOND ATTEMPT STARTS HERE-------- OK I am going to go out and try to rewire the stock stereo harness so it will at least give power to the head unit. I have a question though, if this works, what wire should I use to run from the head unit to the Kenwood amp, and then from there...
  10. Figit090

    Can anyone help our family please?

    thats a good idea ^ sounds like you have just about everything you need w/that, and its all physical setup no silly programs or hiding a computer...
  11. Figit090

    Can anyone help our family please?

    i thought it was mentioned that she might be selling? thus...none in her system? i forgot.
  12. Figit090

    Milo's Booster Seat...

    fuck it i'm going to go revive 91 dead threads. BRB!
  13. Figit090

    Milo's Booster Seat...

    HOLY SHIT that's nice... so is your car Dave! although...I can't find pictures of your progress...maybe i should look back 50 pages or so? ;) j/k :p
  14. Figit090

    2008 Supra MKIII - Project 1BYDFALT

    The more comments I read about your build, here and in IJ's thread, the more I'm beginning to think you've been lazy and haven't done anything on it in a long time.... 'dat true? LOL.
  15. Figit090

    Can anyone help our family please?

    yep! I dont know how big of a deal 15 dollars is to you but you said you are tight on $$ so just think through it. that one looked decent to me. i just dont know jack about them, as i said yeah. quick search led me to this site, if you scroll down to the "logitech" section...
  16. Figit090

    Can anyone help our family please?

    hey man check this out...
  17. Figit090

    2008 Supra MKIII - Project 1BYDFALT

    WOW!!! OK.... I just read/skimmed/looked at pics in this thread and I'm really excited about seeing it finished! I was originally going to skip to the end few but after seeing some pics of the parts and detail and the paintjob (sorry about the damage BTW that really sucks) I had to look...
  18. Figit090

    New member

    lovin your car man! does anyone have a picture of what the 89+ rear looks like in that country? I've seen the wide-license plate rear or <89 like this one but not the 89+ and this made me curious. man...the stuff in your hatch is pretty sweet too.. :aigo:
  19. Figit090

    Can anyone help our family please?

    I was just on craigslist, and I didn't find anything specific for you but I would recommend that you get on there and search for a webcam in your area or even a cheap video camera...sometimes people give those things away in our "if it's old replace it" society... i found a cheap webcam for 2...
  20. Figit090

    Should I save a ’92?

    what the hell was the windshield shot??