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  1. Figit090

    POLL: Who here doesn't mind talking on the phone while taking a crap??

    OK so I was just in the restroom in this building and there was a guy talking on the phone in one of the stalls, and last semester I heard this too so... who does it, publicly? who does it, at home only?
  2. Figit090

    Legal High and Trip (Salvia Divinorum)??

    yeah....the news nowdays is really really stupid. they ignore important things and go for ratings...whatever. I need to find a un-biased all-around news coverage website..... i dont mind watching the news on public television but it is...uh...selective. Child gets thrown from burning...
  3. Figit090

    what's a good site to make a quick live chat?

    I want to talk to a friend who doesn't have AIM or GMAIL or any common thing besides email... I was wondering if anyone knows of a good site that can create a person-to-person IM safely and reliably.... I did a search and came up with Just thought i might ask because...
  4. Figit090

    Had emergency surgery today

    So did anyone reading this thread go to the doctor too see if you're at risk? I want to find out if I am but i'm not totally sure how to go about it and get a definitive answer.
  5. Figit090

    Legal High and Trip (Salvia Divinorum)??

    did something public just come up about this? my friend was talking about trying it YESTERDAY... and i've never heard of it before. he said he saw opening garage doors and football players. sounds pretty f'd up and not fun. I dont think I would like to loose control of my body, thank you...
  6. Figit090

    Filing for a divorce

  7. Figit090

    Abandoned Mk4

    has anyone done a 7m MKIV before?
  8. Figit090

    BorHor's Makeover - Project Sideways

    it was here but...yeah. i never use it. this is eaiser on the eyes at least..for now.
  9. Figit090

    BorHor's Makeover - Project Sideways

    did that just change today? somehow i was surfing and got bumped into dark stile today....made my jaw drop i was like...WTF just happened? then i discovered the crapshoot "default" and finally found my way back to SM i still dont know how i got into another theme i never clicked...
  10. Figit090

    Retired Green Beret shoots intruder, gets court martial

    i was thinking...naw...but... hey. some crazy shit has gone down in this world. i figure if you can sue someone for giving you and cup of hot coffee, and then spilling it on can sue for waisting people's precious time and money for making them go to court to listen to your case...
  11. Figit090

    ROTM 2008 JANUARY WINNER: Jay H. -AKA- Suprahero

    nice! congrats on the blueness winning and your awesome work on the car! i love it :)
  12. Figit090

    Abandoned Mk4

    if they could turn a burnt-out rolled, smashed, blown 2jz-ge mkIV into a blaring-orange street monster show car, in The Fast and the Furious, someone can surely think of something to do with a good shell with a probably half-decent motor.... ....even if you need to overnight parts from JAPAN...
  13. Figit090

    Retired Green Beret shoots intruder, gets court martial

    HOLY SHIT! ROFLMAO! I didn't think that was possible... a scull can be that thick? or was it the old ammo that made the bullet shoot slower or something? man if i was that 'intruder' i would soo do a damn.
  14. Figit090

    Supramania FTL!

    DAMN IT! i can't get away! i've been messing with linux and look what i did to make my background temporarily different.... I minimized this and BAM.... i can't win.:cry::cry::cry::cry:
  15. Figit090

    Supramania FTL!

    FUCK! i'm trying to do statics and i read this thread!! I feel bad now. LOL. thanks for the uh... bump in the right direction. bye.
  16. Figit090

    CRAP. Fedora, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, or SuSE? KDE or GNOME?

    thanks! and did compiz add the thumbnail capability? man this is a PITA. lol. at least, right now since i know fedora already has all this.
  17. Figit090

    CRAP. Fedora, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, or SuSE? KDE or GNOME?

    i stuck a picture on my desktop. you can see it in the screenshot i took. in fedora it's a thumbnail, in ubuntu it's a funny yellow-orange photo of a tree. :( not as cool. lol. its the top icon in that last screenshot. fedora's screenshot is the one a few posts earlier, same page though...
  18. Figit090

    Abandoned Mk4

    in for 8 years? that's sad :( somebody get the mkIV! :) it looks nice enough :P
  19. Figit090

    CRAP. Fedora, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, or SuSE? KDE or GNOME?

    but can ubuntu do that? I dont think compiz is installed on this live disk....maybe thats it
  20. Figit090

    CRAP. Fedora, Ubuntu, Kubuntu, or SuSE? KDE or GNOME?

    ok well i like how the images in Fedora display as thumbnails, like the one on my desktop... i'm assuming i can get a download with apt-get that will change ubuntu to do that? i'll keep poking around...