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  1. karlmk3

    r154 tranny

    where can i get redline at ? i havent seen it around
  2. karlmk3

    r154 tranny

    i picked up mobil 1 fully synthetic that should be good right tis tranny oil ninja edit its 75 - 90
  3. karlmk3

    r154 tranny

    i dont have an oil pump i have the shifter already off cause im replaceing with marlin crawler stuff. when i pulled the tranny out the other car all the oil leaked out so idk how much is left. thanks for the info. where is the fill plug? pic be great
  4. karlmk3

    r154 tranny

    how much fluid does the r154 tranny take. how do you tell when its full and where do you fill it i couldnt find a dipstick for it so im just f ing lost
  5. karlmk3

    I found a way to prove global warming theory wrong...

    global warming in reverse
  6. karlmk3

    how many are in co

    finnaly got mine running. getten paint this week
  7. karlmk3

    89 targa build

    yup yup a pearl white with orange metalc flake
  8. karlmk3

    89 targa build

    ok well i know i havent updated it in a while but the car is running. in the process of been painted the drive shaft showed up after sending it back cause they put on the wrong piece. ill update with pics and vid as soon as i can
  9. karlmk3

    88 Turbo: The Undead

    congrats bro i talked to you a while ago but hey if you need some parts i still have someother ones i also changed my number ill send it to you in a pm. i finaly got th 1jz running last week so well have to meet when this snow goes away
  10. karlmk3

    Living in a cul-de-sac

    it scares me to bring the supra home. but i think that punk learned his leason he will have a nice lump for awhile
  11. karlmk3

    You might be a Honda owner if.....

    that guy needs his ass kicked
  12. karlmk3

    Living in a cul-de-sac

    yes i sure did im sick of punks brecking into cars around here
  13. karlmk3

    Living in a cul-de-sac

    the same guy again last night with 6 or 7 in of snow on the ground broke into the car next door and attempted mine before he was meet with the end of my pistol we live in a exspensive part of the area as well nothing around is under 300,000 and still got this shit. o well the kid did get...
  14. karlmk3

    motor swap questions

    the 1jz swap isnt to bad and parts are pretty easy to find since like above they are swapable from 2j to 1j. the one 1j from what i heard is more rev happy
  15. karlmk3

    aftermarket gauges

    ya there prosport i just hope they are good and will last untill i get money for better ones
  16. karlmk3

    Living in a cul-de-sac

    i live in a cul-de-sac and we just noticed one of the kids that lives around here lookin in some cars. so we all know who it is hes even been confronted and he was busted last night again so we are all keeping an extra eye out. we think it might have to do with drugs if hes trying to breck...
  17. karlmk3

    aftermarket gauges

    just the cheap autozone ones so i can still monitor the health of the moter im still debating the final gauges when i get some more money
  18. karlmk3

    aftermarket gauges

    where do i need to hook up the aftermarket boost oil and temp gauges pics would really help 1jz cant get factory gauges to work still cant get tach to work. thanks for all the help
  19. karlmk3

    this sucks no start

    it started i was missing a fuse it was never there and i wouldnt have noticed that it was gone if i didnt start testing all the fuses for a hot one lol