Actually, I turned 24 today. :P
The only plans I had were starting a new job today. Now all I want to do is go to sleep. :)
Thanks, everyone!
Cryo- GTFO of my thread. :P
Loved my some, hated by others, but there is no in between.
I am the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker, and like things like fast cars and peen.
:: curtsies ::
So two of our snails and have gone missing. Considering we only have 100 pounds of rock in such a big tank, it's kind of surprising.
Kind of neat that they go find hiding places.
Get your own thread, twatwaffle!
Horry crap! Who moved the rock?? :P There's plenty of pics of me plastered across SM, the intarweb, probably a few pr0n stores, Joe's ceiling, etc.
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