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  1. 7thousandpiecesMGTE

    Screaming in my Supra!

  2. 7thousandpiecesMGTE

    "this thing is..FUCKING son of a bitch"

    Its great advertising for HPF... :)
  3. 7thousandpiecesMGTE

    1.5JZ vs. LS1 w/video

    very sweet kill.
  4. 7thousandpiecesMGTE

    new guy from Ky

    Welcome, you guys make awesome jelly there ;). Tubby is the king of supra parts, if you need something rare he most likely will have it. I have almost rebuilt the entire car with many parts from him. I havent bought anything from him in...
  5. 7thousandpiecesMGTE

    Franks red hot and vodka

    In War inc. John Cusack’s character was doing straight hot sauce shots. Tell your buddy to man up and do a vodka shot and chase it with a shot of hot sauce....
  6. 7thousandpiecesMGTE

    speedparty 2009

    No, but your typing had emphasis on "JZ":sarcasm:
  7. 7thousandpiecesMGTE

    speedparty 2009

    op states 217kph, it is actually 317kph or 197mph for the imperial unit using folks like myself. Very impressive. Nice find!
  8. 7thousandpiecesMGTE

    FINALLY - Especially for JMDigital - LilMissMkIII's Build

    I see what you did there.:biglaugh:
  9. 7thousandpiecesMGTE

    New ct26 T61 bolt on turbo

    Looks like an xspower turbo...
  10. 7thousandpiecesMGTE

    Michael Jackson has died

    Maybe poor taste, but I seriously did LOL. HA!
  11. 7thousandpiecesMGTE

    Michael Jackson has died

    rip to to glitter gloved "man", may you sip your jesus juice in peace......:sarcasm: Thriller was the shit though, no lie.
  12. 7thousandpiecesMGTE

    Tanya's wet dream..?

    very nice???
  13. 7thousandpiecesMGTE

    FINALLY - Especially for JMDigital - LilMissMkIII's Build

    Where are you going to relocate it to? Looking for ideas for mine. :)
  14. 7thousandpiecesMGTE

    Methanol/water injection pre-turbo

    oh he saw it, he just slammed the laptop shut and ignored it like a true racer would! :biglaugh:
  15. 7thousandpiecesMGTE

    Certain people are idiots...

    All she wanted was her western burger done that so hard? This is why I hate cops....... :sarcasm::biglaugh:
  16. 7thousandpiecesMGTE

    New Setup Finished and Installed, LOTS OF PICS!

    I got to see this in person on Sunday.... Very nice! However your boost spikes worry me, I will be letting a mapecu 2 control my boost and I am nervous about similar problems... hope you get it worked out. I'll be tuned into see what numbers she'll produce for you.
  17. 7thousandpiecesMGTE

    MAP ECU 2 Is it right for my setup goals???

    well I'm keen to hear the numbers that beast of yours will unleash on the dyno......:aigo:
  18. 7thousandpiecesMGTE

    MAP ECU 2 Is it right for my setup goals???

    I went ahead and bought it. Should know more about it in a week or two, I'll post on it as I know more.
  19. 7thousandpiecesMGTE

    FINALLY - Especially for JMDigital - LilMissMkIII's Build

    I have been patient for over 5 years, several thousand dollars, hundreds of replacement parts and MANY bumps in the road...... I said I was getting a bit anxious, not careless. It is physically impossible for me not be anxious. I mean, this is boost we are talking about...come on people...