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  1. willfish

    Willfish: Post in here when you're NOT drunk

    so, slim to none chance here ... but, So I might be moving to Arizona ....:biglaugh: yep, drop of a dime if given the chance, sell 2 of my vehicles, the riding mower an sell the house ... if I can ... pack up an jump ship .... Will
  2. willfish

    Who's drunk right now!?

    playing my axes drinking some beers an for a change here actually in a really good mood ... Will
  3. willfish

    Who's drunk right now!?

    getting ready to head down the celler an shoot some pole with a friend ,,, ohh an drinking some beers too ...:biglaugh: Will
  4. willfish

    Face to names

    dude ,, what are you smoking ... :biglaugh ...... aint no way I look like that mug ... you need to get ur nose out of her asshole that ur sniffing man .....:naughty: Will :biglaugh:
  5. willfish

    Who's drunk right now!?

    playing my axes, listening to some music, drinking some beers .. Will
  6. willfish

    So here I am Radio Active

    check this one out, kinda funny . had this co worker that was performing oral on his g/f the night before we had to go out of town for a nuke job, well, at the start of the job he was already setting off all the radiation monitors an no one had a clue why being he wasnt in...
  7. willfish

    Face to names

    ha ha ,, no way man . not a chance ....:biglaugh: Will
  8. willfish

    Kids say the darnest things...

    nice, thats classic right there ... ive heard some ppl saying i our rides resemble a older vette ,, but not a camero ... Will
  9. willfish

    Face to names

    ha ha,, are you kidding me ? SRV ? :biglaugh: Will
  10. willfish

    Face to names

    one from the other day .... Will
  11. willfish

    Who's drunk right now!?

    playing my axes getting my drink on ... Will
  12. willfish

    Who's drunk right now!?

    mm, I remember back when parts of canada an NY had that power out like in 03 or something an I was in NY , had to see the dentist an I ended up with some 60 vicodens... mmm I saved then for that wiinter when I got laid off, an would eat like 2 to 3 a night with my nattie...
  13. willfish

    Who's drunk right now!?

    working on a late buzz after I get something to eat here ... Will
  14. willfish

    My new project

    i can dig it just for the reason its a bike ,, I;'m more old school, back in the day when I freestyled with my kewahara bravo KT... along with all the haro masters , skyways an dimondbacks .. ohh an the CW shakers ... :biglaugh: if anyone remembers those ...
  15. willfish

    My Supra tattoo

    yea, what he said .:naughty: Will
  16. willfish

    Face to names

    kicking back down on da MON.... Will
  17. willfish

    Who's drunk right now!?

    playing my axes drinking some beers .... Will
  18. willfish

    Who's drunk right now!?

    trying to get sloppy here.. Will
  19. willfish

    Supra Differentials

    WTF,, and why didnt IJ tell me this when I had my cover off so I would know what gear ratio mine was .... Dam than smart Man to hell.... Will