Recent content by darrylp

  1. darrylp

    3P's TCCS Disassembly/Analysis

    keeping an old thread alive, i've been starting work on a Ghidra processor model/decompiler. from the TASM assembler used. i've really got my doubts as to the opcode 0x31 being a JSR to a ( what i'm calling zero page ) address ie JSR $0066 being encoded into 2 bytes only. its second...
  2. darrylp

    3P's TCCS Disassembly/Analysis

    So any more updates on this thread? Darryl Sent from my Full Android on Bravo using Tapatalk
  3. darrylp

    3P's TCCS Disassembly/Analysis

    has anyone looked into reading the RAM, in an alternate cylces of the cpu accessing the memory ?