Recent content by CoolVaughan

  1. C

    Need help determining year of Wiring Harness

    A few years ago I planned on swapping a 7MGE into my Hilux to replace a blown 22re, I ended up selling the truck and am trying to sell all of the 7MGE motor stuff that I purchased to get ready for the swap. I was wondering if there was an easy way to determine what year and transmission type...
  2. C

    Throttle Body to Air Intake Connector Bolts?

    Putting together a JDM 7M-GE motor piece by piece for my 1991 Toyota pickup and am struggling over how to attach the Throttle Body to the Air Intake Connector. I have been buying nuts and bolts through the local Toyota dealership to attach stuff I buy from the forum but can't figure out what...
  3. C

    Determing Stud/Bolt/Nut thread size and pitch

    So I am in the middle of replacing my 22RE in my 91 Hilux for a 7MGE out of a supra and need to gather a bunch of missing studs, nuts and bolts. Is there any database to look this kind of information up? I have the Cyngus link for the 7MGE service manual with all the part numbers for them...