So today, I did two things-
I dropped off all my stuff for zinc plating, and I pulled the head off my old motor.

I had planned on just cleaning up my head and dropping it on the new motor, but I have some investigating to do first.
Cylinder #5 exhaust port was very oily.

All the cylinder walls look good, with cross-hatching still visible, and only a slight polishing to the left and right sides of the walls.
The valves on #5 also look oily as well:
The valve stem seals were replaced before this head was installed, so I'm not sure if they were failing, or if the rings were leaking on this cylinder.
Aside from this, the Cometic hg looked to be in pretty good shape, and the probe pistons showed no signs of wear or detonation on the crowns.
Tomorrow, I'll tear down the head, and see if there's any issues with the valves, guides or seals.